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Game Window

The Game Window screen shot

Warning: This screen shot is missing the tagged games dialog box. (The tagged
games dialog box is shown in the screen shot on the tagged games page.)

The game window is divided into four parts:

Left Half

Top Right

  1. "Help" Displays this page.
  2. "Options" Brings up a menu with the following eight options.
    1. Rules: Displays the game-type, and rule-set, and time-setting of the current game
    2. Score Estimate: Displays an estimate of the score .
      1. The estimate is not always correct. It can be way off.
      2. The SE does not count seki correctly.
      3. SE always uses Japanese Rules
      4. SE cannot be used by the players of a game - except in a teaching game.
      5. SE is not available for the web-applet.
    3. Review Game: Changes the game into edit mode
    4. Save Game to Disk: Opens the save file dialog for saving the game as an SGF file on local disk drive. See the "Getting The Game Record" section of the Playing Games help page for further explanation.
    5. Access List: Allows selected users to join a private game.
      Adding users to the access list is the only way to allow observers to watch a private match or demonstration game. Simply type the account name in the box, and press the enter key to give them access.
    6. View Offline: Opens a copy of the game on your computer in review mode.
    7. Clone Game: Allows observers to duplicate the game on the server. The observers can then discuss the game. Cloning the game will relay moves to the cloned game as they occur. The user who cloned the game has edit control.
    8. Add Time: Adds time to your opponent's clock during the game.
  3. "Pass" Click to pass.
  4. "Undo" Press this to send a request to your opponent for an undo of your last move. The opponent can either accept or refuse an undo.
  5. "Resign" Click this to resign the game. The game can be resigned by either player at any time.
  6. "Close" Exit from the game. This serves the same function as the standard windows close button [X]. A pop-up screen presents you with a few options. You may cancel a close command at either of these dialogs by hitting the "Cancel" button, at which point you will be returned to the game window.

Middle Right

Bottom Right

Related Links

          Up One Level    —>    "New Game" Window  –>  Four Buttons  –>  OK Button
              Site Map        —>    "New Game" Window

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