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February Tournament, 5k down division, American daytime Round 1 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
DownloadEmTom [19k]macraf [25k]19×19 H62/19/05 6:00 PMB+6.5
Downloadsai890 [18k]hphuang [19k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMW+42.5
DownloadMorsus [17k]bucko [17k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMB+Res.
DownloadLaohJo [16k]chrpa [16k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMB+125.5
Downloadrevo [16k]meesterrob [16k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMW+29.5
Downloadperp74 [15k]GanonGeru [15k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMB+27.5
Downloadaitkensam [14k]Kopcap [14k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMW+4.5
Downloadmrbeak [14k]arttle [14k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMW+11.5
Downloadcrabpeople [12k]brx [13k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMB+Res.
DownloadValquis [12k]PaperTiger [12k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMW+Res.
Downloadfaignantix [7k]spingle [9k]19×19 H22/19/05 6:00 PMW+24.5
DownloadEvilBuu [7k]jyuh [7k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMW+16.5
DownloadAstrae [6k]Javaness [6k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMB+13.5
Downloadschmee [5k]DrGoPlayer [5k]19×19 2/19/05 6:00 PMB+Res.
 Templer [13k]Bye (No show)
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