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February American/European Daytime KGS Plus Tournament Round 5 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
DownloadAlekine92 [16k]Jander2 [13k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+Res.
Downloadbobbyconn [18k]mcnster [18k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+17.5
Downloadburrito [3k]Crumb [5k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+8.5
DownloadCHOWstyle [3k]Spartaaaaa [1k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+Res.
Downloadcrottmann [13k]Ygert [10k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+75.5
DownloadDaan [6k]tiger32k [7k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+Res.
Downloaddonatello [1d]Cassis0 [4d]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+9.5
Downloadgoinsein [6k]Ruffy86 [8k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+Res.
Downloadguishu [3k]mythical [3k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+4.5
DownloadHiperDeha [2d]Benjii [2d]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+Res.
Downloadinthecage [1d]tt [2d]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+13.5
DownloadLazyos [6k]tronde [5k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+Time
Downloadliquescens [2k]adem [1d]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+25.5
DownloadLurifax [13k]tahin [15k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+103.5
Downloadmarie [8k]Nekoojii [10k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+18.5
DownloadNormann [3k]NECtrain [3k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+Res.
Downloadoldbob [1k]Tom2000 [1d]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+22.5
DownloadRalf08 [7k]GoIsGod [6k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+Time
Downloadretesz [5k]master117 [3k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+Res.
Downloadrust [1d]yoyoma [1d]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+Res.
Downloadsasa86 [5k]shyfox [5k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+49.5
Downloadschrody [4k]szn [6k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+Res.
Downloadsnowmen [3d]redRedred [5d]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+Res.
DownloadTheMeister [11k]bkhl [9k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMB+25.5
Downloadxebtl [11k]Turpa [13k]19×19 2/22/09 9:35 PMW+18.5
 barfly [2d]Bye (No show)
 calbonga [14k]Bye (No show)
 Fibo [6k]Bye (No show)
 G0g0l [1k]Bye (No show)
 hiyoshi [11k]Bye (No show)
 sakuranbo [1d]Bye (Requested)
 scubakid [10k]Bye (Requested)
 SirDoyle [14k]Bye (No show)
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