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2006 Sendol Amateur Cup, European/American daytime, Second week-end, Single Elimination Division Round 2 Games

DownloadWhiteBlackSetupStart Time
Downloadataos [6k]aoshi88 [3k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+74.5
Downloadavenir [2k]yesniu [8d]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
DownloadBestOfPlus [5k]diemorph [6k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMW+12.5
Downloadbrevis [2k]Di [6d]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
Downloadbusonolsun [7k]neonblue [1d]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
Downloadchrpa [1k]missbear [4d]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+13.5
Downloadcoolazn [7k]Arsinome [5k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+51.5
DownloadCornel [7d]next [6d]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMW+Res.
DownloadDarthStian [8k]AfroLuffy [8k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMW+Res.
DownloadDevius [5k]zelda8341 [2k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
DownloadDreamyl [1k]rayen [1k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
Downloadevilgo [1k]rouq [5k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMW+Res.
Downloadexpyramid [1k]Kastuki [4d]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
Downloadgoduke [5d]kvv [5d]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMW+12.5
DownloadJelsh [4k]Tuyet [7k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+27.5
Downloadjoyce [6d]kirua [5k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMW+Res.
Downloadmakmak3 [19k]Fabiano [-]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
DownloadMalek [2k]chupacabra [-]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
DownloadNamii [3d]Nezrif [5k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMW+Res.
Downloadnereiides [10k]friiik [4k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+75.5
Downloadsebos2013 [4k]willzhang [9d]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
DownloadSerg77 [13k]Cidar [17k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMW+8.5
Downloadslasher200 [28k]sai321 [8k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Forf.
Downloadtheme [1k]weeman655 [17k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
DownloadUrameshi [-]yidefuren [4d]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
DownloadZabuzaKun [-]iachigo [3k]19×19 11/25/06 6:02 PMB+Res.
 ws [2d]Bye (No show)
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